Equality and diversity

Every workplace should encourage equality and diversity. We’re always here to support you with whatever you are facing—whether it be struggling with coming out, or facing discrimination at work


A to Z of LGBT

A glossary of terms to help familiarise yourself with terms used within the LGBTQ+ community.


LGBT and asylum

An asylum seeker is someone of any age who has fled their home country to find a safe place elsewhere.


LGBT hate crime

A hate crime is any illegal act that is perceived to be motivated by hostility or prejudices towards a person’s identity.

Coping with baby loss and fertility issues

It’s estimated that one in four pregnancies end in loss during pregnancy or birth.  That’s many women and their partners who must endure the emotional and sometimes physical hardships that come with these experiences.  Fertility too causes issues for couples trying to...

Dealing with change at work

The only constant in life is change. Sounds like a pithy sentiment, but it’s absolutely true—we can certainly rely on things to be different day-by-day. Often, because we aim for it, change is good and positive. It’s brought about by following goals, and making the...

The importance of taking time and switching off to avoid burnout

2020, then. It’s a stressful year for everyone—it seemed to start pretty well, but then COVID-19 happened, and we find ourselves hurtling into a summer that might be more of a damp squib than a sunny scorcher. That’s not to say we should approach it with negativity in...

Looking after older people during the pandemic

While it’s difficult enough to look out for yourself during the pandemic, it’s doubly difficult if you’re an older person. You’re more vulnerable to the virus, and you might not have the same support networks as other. Luckily, there are lots of simple ways you can...

Preparing to return to work after COVID-19

While sometimes the COVID-19 situation might feel like it’d becoming the new normal, eventually we will all return to work. Things may be slightly different—social distancing, more leeway for remote work—but inevitably, we’re all going to find ourselves...

COVID-19—managing mortgages and rental payments

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a number of profound effects on people’s lives, including their financial stability and uncertainty for individuals living in mortgaged or rental properties. The Government has implemented guidance and policies to support with these...

Child Arrangements Orders and COVID-19

Should the child arrangements order be followed? Regulation 6(2)(j) The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 states that ‘children who do not live in the same household as their parents, or one of their parents, to continue existing...

Kindness during the pandemic—Mental Health Awareness Week

Every year, the Mental Health Foundation—the UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health—campaign around a specific theme for a week in May. They’ve been doing this for nearly twenty years (the first themed week being in 2001)—and this year, the theme is...

COVID-19 Dealing with bereavement

Bereavement is difficult at the best of times. Whether sudden and unexpected, or something you’ve had time to prepare for, the loss of a loved one and the grief that comes with it are hard to bear. And when you lose someone during a time of global crisis, it’s even...

Financial wellbeing during a crisis

Uncertain and unprecedented times can impact our social, mental, physical and financial wellbeing. An unexpected crisis, such as a pandemic, can cause many of us to feel overwhelmingly anxious and worried about society, the wider economy, and personal finances....

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